Insights from My Second Divorce: Creating Self Awareness

Hi, welcome to, a podcast and video series about mediation, negotiation strategies and collaboration. My name is Melissa Gragg, and I'm a valuation expert and divorce financial mediator in St. Louis Missouri.

In this episode, we are speaking with Leah Marie Mazur about her personal insights from her first and second divorce and how this journey helped her gain clarity and self-awareness. Leah is a certified Divorce Recovery Coach in Buffalo New York and founder of Mindfully Ready. She specializes in helping her clients heal after divorce so they can create a healthy, happy, and fulfilling new chapter for themselves and their kids.

Questions discussed:
What caused your first divorce?
How did you cope with the divorce?
What was your relationship with dating post-divorce?
How did dependency play a role in your second marriage?
Was your second marriage the same as your first marriage?
Were there similar patterns?
How did you view relationships after your second divorce?
How did your two divorces affect your self-worth or view of yourself?
How did your divorces affect future relationships?
What patterns have you changed since your last divorce?
How did you create self-awareness?
How did you start the business you have now?
Tell us more about Mindfully Ready, LLC. What resources do you provide?

Melissa Gragg CVA, MAFF
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
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Bridge Valuation
Valuation Podcast
Valuation Mediation

Leah Marie Mazur Mindfully Ready, LLC


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