Forensic Psychology and Mediation
Hi Welcome to - A podcast and video series about mediation, negotiation, and collaboration. My name is Melissa Gragg, I provide online valuation, divorce and mediation services in St. Louis, Missouri.
Today we will discuss Forensic Psychology and Mediation with Shari Belitz. Shari is an attorney, trial, jury and litigation consultant in New York. She also owns educational company that teaches psychology to litigators.
Welcome Shari!
Tell us about your background and how you are helping attorneys.
How does Social Psychology play into litigation and mediation?
What is cognitive bias?
What is Anchoring?
What is Adjustment?
How does “Anchoring” and “Adjustment” show up in mediation and settlement negotiations?
What are some strategies to counter balance these cognitive biases?
Refute the anchor
Offer data as to why the anchor is incorrect
Set your own data-backed anchor
Can we walk through an example using these strategies – when a business valuation is involved and maybe there is an offer on the table that is really low?
What are some other ways to use psychology in the mediation or negotiation process?
Tell us how attorneys and mediators can work with you.
Melissa Gragg
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
Cell: (314) 541-8163
Shari Belitz
Litigation Strategist | CEO of Shari Belitz Communications | Founder of EnPSYCHLAWpedia™ | Best Selling Author | Keynote Speaker
Email :
Telephone: 1 (929) 457-3030