From Court to .com: How This Online Divorce Platform is Changing the Industry

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From Court to .com: How This Online Divorce Platform is Changing the Industry | Family Law Service

In this episode, we are speaking with Erin Levine. She's the CEO and founder of Hello Divorce. And if you haven't heard about it, you'll want to! It's an online alternative to traditional divorce. After 16 years as a divorce attorney, Erin understood how broken, toxic, wildly inefficient, and unreasonably expensive the family law system is. So she set out to revolutionize how consumers interact with the law and provide a kinder, easier and cheaper pathway to divorce.

Hi, welcome to, a podcast and video series about mediation, negotiation and collaboration. My name is Melissa Gragg, and I'm valuation expert and divorce financial mediator in St. Louis, Missouri. I specialize in family law and partner disputes.

Questions discussed:

-What are the current divorce trends you are seeing?
-What are some of the limitations in the current divorce system of litigation?
-What are some ways people can get divorced more efficiently?
-What motivated you to combine technology and divorce and create Hello Divorce?
-How does the Hello Divorce process support mediators and attorneys?
-What is the typical client profile that uses Hello Divorce?
-What are some divorce trends you see in the future?

Melissa Gragg, CVA, MAFF
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
Bridge Valuation
Valuation Podcast

Erin Levine
Founder & CEO
Email Erin
Hello Divorce Website
Social handle: @hellodivorce

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