Prenups and Postnups: Who Needs Them and Why?

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Prenups and Postnups: Who Needs Them & Why? The Importance and Implications of Prenuptial Agreements

In this episode, we're talking with Laurie Israel, and she's a national prenuptial agreement mediator, consultant, lawyer, and author of the Generous Prenup, How to Support Your Marriage and Avoid the Pitfalls. She's located in Massachusetts and has been an attorney for over 35 years. Today we're going to discuss prenups and postnups and who needs them and why, because, Laurie, I've looked at your book, the Generous Prenup, and you kind of have a different way of looking at prenups and maybe what you believe they would be beneficial for and where they wouldn't. And so maybe you could just tee us up with kind of your bigger philosophy about prenups in general.

Hi, welcome to, a podcast and video series about mediation, negotiation and collaboration. My name is Melissa Gragg, and I'm valuation expert and divorce financial mediator in St. Louis, Missouri. I specialize in family law and partner disputes.

Topics discussed:

The Risks and Benefits of Prenuptial Agreements
State Laws and Financial Discussions in Marriage
The Emotional and Relational Impact of Prenuptial Agreements
The Role of Mediation in Formulating Prenuptial Agreements
Future of Marriage and the Evolving Perception of Prenuptial Agreements

Melissa Gragg, CVA, MAFF
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
Bridge Valuation
Valuation Podcast

Laurie Israel
Email Laurie
Laurie’s Website
The Generous Prenup

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