Relationship Issues and Things to Consider Before You Call a Divorce Attorney
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Relationship Issues and Things to Consider Before You Call a Divorce Attorney
In this episode, we're talking about relationship issues and things to consider before you call a divorce attorney with Jackie Harounian, she's a family law attorney in Long Island, New York. It could be months, years that you're considering ending a relationship. Sometimes we spend a lot of time in this thought process of "What could I do, what should I do? I don't know if this is right." Before we even get into this type of situation where you're actually calling a divorce lawyer, which really is way down the pipeline that you're ready to go. But what are the first steps that couples should take when they're even considering divorce or having some issues?
Hi, welcome to, a podcast and video series about mediation, negotiation and collaboration. My name is Melissa Gragg, and I'm valuation expert and divorce financial mediator in St. Louis, Missouri. I specialize in family law and partner disputes.
Questions discussed:
-What are the first steps couples should take when they start experiencing serious relationship issues?
-What are the most common mistakes couples make when considering divorce?
-How can a pre-nup or prenuptial agreement act as insurance in a marriage?
-What is a legal separation and how is it different from a divorce?
-What is a "post-nup" and when should couples decide to explore this option?
-When is mediation a better option than litigation?
Melissa Gragg, CVA, MAFF
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
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Jackie Harounian
Wisselman Harounian Family Law
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